Plant watering systems

There are many reasons why people choose to install an automatic irrigation system. Whether they have vacations and trips planned for the summer, or simply have a busy schedule where watering the garden is not a priority. An automatic plant watering system is one of those devices that help make everyday life easier.
Watering systems for indoor plants
There are several different types of indoor plant watering systems. Depending on the level of automation you need, you can use a plant watering globe, a room drip system, or a self-watering container.
Plant watering globes and spikes
One of the more successful and attractive indoor systems is the sprinkler. There are several different manufacturers of this device, so you can choose not only in style and appearance, but also in price.
The basic premise of a plant watering spike is that it is a reservoir that irrigates plants by capillary action. The spike itself is made of unglazed ceramic or other porous material. It is almost flush with the ground surface of each plant pot, with the spike below the surface.
Indoor drip irrigation systems
Drip irrigation systems can take the guesswork out of watering your plants. You don't need to remember the last time you filled your pots tank. Instead, you can run a drip system on the same pots and set a timer.
Drip irrigation systems are one of the most unsightly systems out there, with obvious pipes running here and there through your herb pot collection.
However, for low-maintenance watering, it can hardly be beat. Also, you can get creative with designs to disguise drips.
Carefully maintain indoor drip systems to avoid overwatering.
One strategy to keep in mind when using this type of watering system is that there is no way for the dirt in the pot itself to regulate the water flow, as is the case with most self-watering pots.
The water fountain timer turns on and drips water into the pot for X amount of time, then turns off. If your plants don't need a lot of water, chances are you're overwatering them. oh
If you choose a drip system, consider having two timing systems.
Self-made pots and dishes
Self-watering pots and planters are a must-have element in the herb garden. These planters come in a variety of colors and sizes to accommodate almost any design style.
A good self-watering pot should have a reservoir deep enough to hold at least a few days' supply of water and be easy to refill when needed.
A self-watering conversion kit is a nice inexpensive option for creating your own low-maintenance watering system.
I love this option simply because it can turn any existing pot or planter into a self-watering one. Self-watering pots are great, but most are plastic and the style and color options can be limited. With these conversion kits, you can choose to turn a heavy-duty ceramic or stone planter into a self-watering device.
Tips for automatic plant watering
In order to keep plants healthy while doing other activities, it is important to install a watering system. When determining the irrigation system, it is important to evaluate the watering schedule, taking into account the maturity of the plants, their growth cycle and the time of year.
Below are some tips to help you plan your watering schedule.
- It is best to water the garden early in the morning. This allows the roots to absorb moisture before the temperature rises and prepare for the heat of the day.
- Plants that flower intensively or bear fruit will need more water.
- Always soak newly planted flowers and herbs for a long time and thoroughly.
- Established perennial flowers should be watered less often, but longer.
- Water more frequently during the heat of summer and less often during the cooler months.
While automatic plant watering systems can make gardening easier, you'll still want to monitor them and adjust them as needed. However, any of these systems will reduce daily maintenance.